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Developer Guide

Convenient Effects adds some functions that developers can utilize.


The entirety of the API is located and documented in this file: effect-interface.ts.

It can be accessed via game.dfreds.effectInterface.


Convenient Effects currently provides the following hooks:

  • 'dfreds-convenient-effects.ready' - Called when Convenient Effects is done initializing everything.

Data Flags

Convenient Effects utilizes some of its own flags on ActiveEffect objects. These can be useful to know if creating your own effects with the API. They are all located at activeEffect.flags['dfreds-convenient-effects']?.['{flagName}'] or via activeEffect.getFlag('dfreds-convenient-effects', '{flagName}').

You can also view any of these in the Convenient Config for effects.

  • ceEffectId - string - The internal convenient effect identifier of the effect. It is automatically set to ce-${}
  • isBackup - boolean - Indicator that the effect in question is a backup effect
  • isConvenient - boolean - Indicator that the effect or folder in question is one from the Convenient Effects module
  • isTemporary - boolean - Indicator that the effect in question will display as a temporary effect. Typically, an effect is only indicated as temporary if it has a duration or a statusId
  • isDynamic - boolean - Indicator that some data on the effect will dynamically change. This shouldn't really be used by another dev as it applies to specific effects and is handled internally.
  • isViewable - boolean - Indicator that determines if the effect or folder should be shown in the app
  • nestedEffectsIds - string[] - List of nested effect IDs (ceEffectId) that will be used to prompt the user for an answer.
  • subEffectsIds - object[] - List of sub-effect IDs (ceEffectId) that will be applied as a dependency of the effect
  • otherEffectsIds - object[] - List of other effect IDs (ceEffectId) that will be applied but not as a dependency of the effect
  • folderColor - string - The color used to display the folder in the app