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Select Tool

A FoundryVTT module that adds a select tool to all layers.


  • Adds a select tool to all layers, including templates, lights, sounds and notes
  • Copy and paste multiple items like any other layer

Let Me Sell You This

Did you ever think it was weird that you could select multiple tokens, tiles, drawings, and walls, but you couldn't select multiple templates, lights, sounds, or notes? Well, this module is for you!

What This Module Does

This module adds a select tool to all layers, including templates, lights, sounds, and notes.


Select Lighting


Select Sounds


Select Templates

Required Modules

Modules That Help

  • DFreds Clipboard by DFreds (that's me) - One of my premium FoundryVTT modules that adds a clipboard application to the game that keeps track of the items you copied. It pairs nicely with this module.