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A FoundryVTT module that adds a clipboard application to the game that keeps track of the items you copied.


  • Adds a clipboard button to each layer (tokens, tiles, walls, etc.) that opens a convenient clipboard interface
  • Maintains a history of copied items for each layer, making it easy to paste previously copied items individually or all at once
  • Remembers copied items between scenes, so you can copy from one scene and paste into another
  • Customize how many items are stored in the clipboard history through module settings

Let Me Sell You This

Ever need to copy several items from one scene to the next? Hate how you have to re-copy the same items over and over again? Well, this module is for you!

What This Module Does

This module adds a clipboard application to the game that keeps track of all placeable items that have been copied for the current session.

Copied tokens:

Clipboard Tokens

Copied templates:

Clipboard Templates

Copied tiles:

Clipboard Tiles

Copied drawings:

Clipboard Drawings

Copied walls:

Clipboard Walls

Copied lights:

Clipboard Lights

Copied sounds:

Clipboard Sounds

Copied notes:

Clipboard Notes

You can configure some stuff:



You can toggle the clipboard application with Ctrl+Shift+C by default.

Required Modules

  • libWrapper by ruipin - A library that wraps core Foundry methods to make it easier for module developers to add functionality. Note that if you for some reason don't want to install this, a shim will be used instead.
  • Lib: DFreds UI Extender by DFreds (that's me) - A library that makes it easy to add new UI elements to Foundry