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Module Template TS

A FoundryVTT module template that uses Typescript and Vite for development.


  • Full use of well-defined types provided by pf2e
  • Symlink integration, so you aren't directly messing with the foundry data folder
  • Use of nvm and npm for node and package management
  • Use of vite for building
  • Commands to build for production, staging, or development
  • Commands to configure and run different versions of FoundryVTT
  • Tools to automatically rename the name of the module, update the types, and enforce code linting
  • Powerful GitHub actions that handle releases and (optionally) posting updates to a Discord channel

Getting Started

  1. Ensure you have the pf2e repo cloned from github (git clone
  2. Use the template button on Github to create a new repo. Make sure that the "Repository name" is the same name as the identifier of your new module. This is important since the folder name NEEDS to match the identifier when the module is linked to Foundry
    • Example:
      • Owner: DFreds
      • Repository name: dfreds-new-cool-module
  3. Clone the repo OUTSIDE of the Foundry data path
  4. Copy foundryconfig.example.json to foundryconfig.json
  5. Within foundryconfig.json, update the dataPath, pf2e, and fvtt paths
    • Example:
      •   {
        "dataPath": "C:\\Users\\DFreds\\AppData\\Local\\FoundryVTT\\Data",
        "pf2eRepoPath": "C:\\src\\foundry-modules\\pf2e",
        "fvtt": {
        "11": "C:\\src\\foundry-versions\\FoundryVTT-11.315",
        "12": "C:\\src\\foundry-versions\\FoundryVTT-12.331",
        "13": "C:\\src\\foundry-versions\\FoundryVTT-13.337"
  6. If not already installed, download and install nvm.
  7. Run nvm use or nvm install <version> and nvm use
    • Ensures a common node version is used regardless of user environment
  8. Run npm ci
    • Installs all dependencies according to the package-lock.json
  9. Run npm run rename-module
    • Replaces all occurrences of dfreds-module-template-ts and DFreds Module Template TS in the project with your desired module identifier and name
  10. Run npm run update-types
    • Copies all pf2e types to the /types folder using the pf2e path set in foundryconfig.json
  11. Run npm run lint:fix
    • Fixes and formats all the types you just copied from pf2e. Recommend doing this after every type update to reduce diffs
  12. Run npm run build
    • Builds the app into the /dist folder
  13. Run npm run link
    • Symlinks the built /dist folder to your Foundry data path set in foundryconfig.json
  14. If you want to use the publish to discord action, then be sure to add a repository secret called DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL that points to your configured webhook. You should also update the content and release username if applicable.
    • To point to role IDs, use "<@&{role_id}>" in the content.

If you don't plan on using any 3rd party dependencies, then be sure to remove vendor.mjs from the module.json file.

  • Note that the UUID dependency was included to get started. It's likely you don't need this specific dependency, but the module won't build without at least one dependency if the references to vendor.mjs exists in the project.


All commands can be found in the package.json file. The main ones are described below.

npm run build

Runs the module in "production" mode, which minifies the module and deletes the lock file.

npm run stage

Runs the module in "stage" mode, which minifies the module but does not delete the lock file. Mostly useful to run before changing which module you're working on.

npm run dev

Runs the module in "development" mode, which allows you to debug typescript in the console.

npm run watch

Runs the module in "development" mode and hot reloads the files on change.


You still need to refresh Foundry to see the changes (Esc -> Reload)


At the moment, any changes to files in the static folder needs a full re-run of this command. They will not be updated on save.

npm run foundry

Prompts you to start a node version of foundry that is configured in the foundryconfig.json file. If configured correctly, you should be able to run this command and go to localhost:{configured-port}. The configured port is usually localhost:30000, but could be different depending on if you changed it.

npm run update-types && npm run lint:fix

Updates the pf2e types and auto-fixes any linting issues to reduce the diff in Git. It's recommended to run this periodically.


Since this is dependent on an external integration, types may be slow to update or inaccurate, especially when a new version of Foundry releases. You can always change the types yourself in types/foundry.

Static Files

Assets, fonts, language files, packs, templates, and the module.json can all exist in the /static folder in anyway you see fit. When built, any static files or folders will exist in /dist directly.

Updating Node

After updating to a new node version, run node -v > .nvmrc.

Releasing a New Module Version

  • Create a new tag with the format major.minor.patch or vMajor.Minor.Patch.
    • Example: 1.0.0 or v1.0.0
  • Push the tag to origin
  • Once the workflow completes, go to the Releases and observe the new draft release corresponding to the version
  • Edit the draft release, make any desired changes, and then press Publish
