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Lib: UI Extender

A FoundryVTT module library that adds easy ways to extend the base Foundry UI.


  • Easily add new scene controls to any layer controls (token, tiles, drawings, walls, etc.)
  • Easily add new HUD controls to tokens, tiles, or drawings


To use this in your own module, you can do any of the following:

  • Use the uiExtender.init hook (which fires based on Foundry's init hook) and register your UI elements on the provided instance of uiExtender
  • Use the window.UiExtender (accessible as just UiExtender in console and code) and register in Foundry's init method.

Everything will be ready to render when the Foundry setup hook is complete.


Lib: DFreds UI Extender provides a few hooks.

  • uiExtender.init - This is called once on Foundry's init hook. It should be used to register your controls using the provided instance of uiExtender.
  • uiExtender.setup - This is called once on Foundry's setup hook. At this point, all controls will be created and available when they render.

API Methods

Currently, these are the supported API methods:

Register Scene Control

A scene control is a button that is located on a specific layer. Under the hood, this uses the getSceneControlButtons hook.

Scene Control

registerSceneControl(input: SceneControlInput)

The data objects are described below:

interface SceneControlInput {
* The ID of the module registering
moduleId: string;

* The name of the control layer
| "token"
| "measure"
| "tiles"
| "drawings"
| "walls"
| "lighting"
| "sounds"
| "regions"
| "notes";

* The position to put the button. If no number is given, it will append it to the end
position?: number;

* The predicate to determine if the control should be visible
* @param data The data for the controls
* @returns true if the control should be added, false otherwise
predicate?: (data: any) => boolean;

* The tool data
tool: SceneControlTool;

interface SceneControlTool {
* The name of the tool. This is used to identify the tool in the scene
* control tools.
name: string;

* The title of the tool that display on hover.
title: string;

* The icon used for the tool. This is the icon class from Font Awesome.
icon: string;

* Determines if the tool is visible in the scene control tools. Note that
* it might be better to use the predicate function instead, based on when
* the tool is registered.
visible: boolean;

* Determines if the tool should be toggleable. If true, the tool will render as on/off rather than selected/deselected.
toggle?: boolean;

* Determines if the tool is active or not
active?: boolean;

* Determines if the tool should render as a button. If false, the tool will
* remain active after clicking.
button?: boolean;

* The click handler
onClick?: () => void;

* Configuration for rendering the tool's toolclip.
toolclip?: ToolclipConfiguration;

interface ToolclipConfiguration {
* The filename of the toolclip video.
src: string;

* The heading string.
heading: string;

* The items in the toolclip body.
items: ToolclipConfigurationItem[];

interface ToolclipConfigurationItem {
* A plain paragraph of content for this item.
paragraph?: string;

* A heading for the item.
heading?: string;

* Content for the item.
content?: string;

* If the item is a single key reference, use this instead of content.
reference?: string;

An example:

export function mySampleModule() {
Hooks.once("uiExtender.init", (uiExtender) => {
moduleId: "my-module-id",
name: "token",
position: 2,
tool: {
name: "testing-button",
title: "DFreds Test Button",
icon: "fas fa-robot",
button: true,
visible: true,
onClick: () => {"You clicked me!")

Register HUD Button

A HUD button is a button located located on a specific item on the canvas when you right click. Under the hood, this uses the render${type}HUD hook.

HUD Button

registerHudButton(input: HudButtonInput)

The data objects are described below:

interface HudButtonInput {
* The ID of the module registering
moduleId: string;

* The type of HUD to use
hudType: "token" | "tile" | "drawing";

* The tooltip when hovering on the HUD button
tooltip: string;

* The name of action when clicking the button
action?: string;

* The HTML that will be used in the button
icon: string;

* The location of the button
location: "div.left" | "div.right";

* The predicate to determine if the button should be added
* @param data The data for the item with the HUD
* @returns true if the button should be added, false otherwise
predicate?: (data: any) => boolean;

* The click handler
* @param event The click event
* @param data The data for the item with the HUD
onClick?: (event: JQuery.ClickEvent, data: any) => void;

* The right-click handler
* @param event The context menu event
* @param data The data for the item with the HUD
onRightClick?: (event: JQuery.ContextMenuEvent, data: any) => void;

Some examples:

export function mySampleModule() {
Hooks.once("uiExtender.init", (uiExtender) => {
moduleId: "my-module-id",
hudType: "token",
tooltip: "New Token Button",
icon: `<i class="fas fa-image fa-fw"></i>`,
location: "div.left",
onClick: (_event, token) => {
onRightClick: (_event, token) => {
console.log("Right clicked!")

moduleId: "my-module-id",
hudType: "tile",
tooltip: "New Tile Button",
icon: `<i class="fas fa-image fa-fw"></i>`,
location: "div.right",
onClick: (_event, tile) => {
onRightClick: (_event, tile) => {
console.log("Right clicked!")

moduleId: "my-module-id",
hudType: "drawing",
tooltip: "Say Hi",
icon: `<i class="fas fa-robot fa-fw"></i>`,
location: "div.right",
onClick: (_event, drawing) => {`Hello from drawing ${drawing.fillColor}`)

Handlebar Helpers

A few handlebar helpers have also been registered to make common use cases easier.


This will help in conditionally rendering some HTML depending on two values and the operator provided.

Operators include:

  • ==
  • ===
  • !=
  • !==
  • <
  • >
  • <=
  • >=
  • typeof
{{#compare myDataString.length ">" "the string I want"}}
<p>myDataString is longer than the string I want!</p>
<p>myDataString is equal to or shorter than the string I want!</p>
{{#compare "Test" "Test"}}
Default comparison of "==="


This will help in conditionally rendering some HTML depending on if the user is a GM or not.

{{#if (isGm)}}
<button class="view-backups">
<i class="fas fa-arrow-rotate-left"></i>
My GM Button

Strip HTML

This will remove any HTML elements from a provided string.

<h4><a title="{{stripHtml myHtmlString}}">Some link</a></h4>